2025 Open Reading Period in Poetry has closed! Thank you to everyone who submitted. Our Open Reading Period in Fiction and the Pamet River Prize are open!!! Go here for details. We look forward to reading your work!
Chapbooks including limited run Vinyl45s, extended print run Blue Note Editions and our Companion Series that will fit in your pocket! $10-$14 Each
Now Available: Digital Versions of many of our titles including some of our out-of-print Vinyl 45s!!!
$5 Each

Marty McConnell offers start-to-finish instructions along with a grounding in the Gathering Voices approach for both aspiring and seasoned facilitators who want to establish or invigorate a poetry learning environment for workshops in the community and the class room.
Gathering Voices includes:
Poetry from some of the most exciting poets writing today including Ada Limón, Patricia Smith, Jamaal May, Keetje Kuipers, Ocean Vuong, Rachel McKibbins, and so many more!
Tailored discussion questions for each poem.
Innovative and interactive writing prompts for twenty-four complete three-hour workshops
Guidelines for leading discussions of participants' work
Strategies for marketing your workshop, creating a schedule, maintaining boundaries and more

YesYes Books is a dynamic independent press that publishes poetry and prose collections from bold fresh voices.
Our titles have won the American Book Award, the Lambda Awards for Gay Poetry, Lesbian Poetry, and Bisexual Poetry, the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, the Devil's Kitchen Reading Award, the John C. Zacharis First Book Award, the Julie Suk Award, the Milt Kessler Award, the Eric Hoffer Chapbook Award, and the IPPY Independent Voice Award, and have been finalists for The Believer Book Award, the Norma Farber First Book Award, the Lambda Awards for Transgender Poetry, Lesbian Poetry, and Bisexual Poetry, the Balcones Poetry Prize, and the CLMP Firecracker Awards for Fiction and Poetry, and have been longlisted for the National Book Award in Poetry.

Some of the authors, editors, friends, events and joy of YesYes Books. Come join us!
An online literary magazine and sister organization to YesYes Books, Vinyl Poetry and Prose, led by KMA Sullivan and Phillip B. Williams, offered a glorious array of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, essay, reviews, and visual art to more than 70,000 readers in 170 countries. From 2010 to 2019, we published all manner of spectacular work from emerging voices through internationally recognized writers, Vinyl brought you literature and art that enriched, engaged, and enlightened. Come take a look at our amazing archives!
Blue Buck by Allie Kelley
Each year YesYes Books donates hundreds of books to organizations that serve at-risk youth, women, LGBTQ populations, veterans, libraries, literary initiatives, and more. Through PSYCCity (Poetry Serving Youth City by City) YYB also worked to raise awareness of youth homelessness and holds fundraisers across the country for youth organizations.

Some of the organizations YesYes Books has raised funds for and donated books to include:
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Center for Women Writers, Salem College
College of San Mateo
The Covenant House, Oakland
Henrico Cultural Arts Center
Housing Works Bookstore
Indianapolis Public Library
Just Buffalo Writing Center
LA Youth Network
Literature for All of Us
Girls Write Now
P:ear Portland
Poetry Project
Trans Lifeline
Truro Public Library
Youth Cares Seattle
Young Chicago Authors
Teen Angel by GB Kim