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loudest when startled by luna rey hall (digital)

Cover & Interior Design: Alban Fischer

October 29, 2020 | ISBN 978-1-936919-85-7

Paperback | 118 Pages


About loudest when startled

The poems in loudest when startled, luna rey hall’s debut collection, explore the ways in which gun violence has become part of the fundamental nature of relationships, family, and American masculinity—so much so that the bullet has been rendered benign, just another news story, just another obituary, just another walk down the street. The poetry in loudest when startled follows two brothers born into gun culture as they navigate their relationship to anger, loss, and guns in entirely different ways with different outcomes yet leaving us with a sense that we are all both predator and prey.


About luna rey hall

luna rey hall was born and raised near the Twin Cities, MN. They are the author of loudest when startled (YesYes Books, 2020). Their poems have appeared or are forthcoming from Atlanta ReviewThe Florida Reviewthe minnesota reviewMidway JournalRaleigh ReviewMoon City ReviewPrime Number MagazineLindenwood ReviewSierra Nevada Review, along with other journals. They are the winner of the 2013 Patsy Lea Core Living Memorial Award in Creative Writing and holds an MFA from Pacific University, a BFA from Hamline University, and an AFA from Normandale Community College. luna currently works as a production editor. They live with their partner and two pets in St. Paul.

loudest when startled by luna rey hall (digital)

SKU: 0300056
  • Praise for loudest when startled

    In loudest when startled, their powerful first collection of poems, lukas ray hall melds beauty and terror to explore America’s gun culture. Born into a hunting family in Minnesota, hall describes with chilling precision the damage inflicted on animal and human bodies alike. “how a safety/ means nothing/ how the bullet sputters/ then blooms” they write in “how a bullet works.” But hall is also an outsider, bearing witness to the horrors that attend our national obsession—a brother’s suicide, police shootings, mass shootings, including at schools. “… eight students / were struck/by the brash /head of a bullet / during their second / period class/at their tiny/wooden desks.” The strength in these poems comes from their emotional complexity. hall never sits in judgement. “i become deer” they write, “become family / a brother / teaching a brother / how to aim down / the sight.” loudest when startled is an honest, unsparing book— all the more reason for its necessity. 

    —Ellen Bass, Indigo


    The language of loudest when startled—direct, exquisite—bristles with yearning and violence. ‘[W]herever my brother is / i am with him,’ lukas ray hall writes, aware that their brother’s intimacy with hunting and guns divides them while it also connects them both. Proximity to violence, as hall acutely makes clear, is a fact of our society. It kindles fear, depression, and an instinctual flight response. hall never truly flees, though. In these poems, they set their hurt next to their brother’s hurt. This book is beautifully crafted, emotionally rich. I wept when I finished reading it.

    —Eduardo C. Corral,  Guillotine


    In loudest when startled we find the world of the hunter and hunted strikingly rendered and melded with that of the poet who is neither hunter nor hunted, but haunted by the echoes of violence ringing outward and inward and ever louder. Through vivid, arresting imagery and the iconography of firearms, these poems explore the damage guns inflict, both physically and psychically.

    —Matt Rasmussen, Black Aperture

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