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The Rest of the Body by Jay Deshpande (Digital)

A Companion Series* Chapbook

Cover Art & Design: Daniel Obzejta

Interior Design: Alban Fischer

Poetry, 32 pages

Aug 1 2017, ISBN 978-1-936919-58-1


About Jay Deshpande

Jay Deshpande is the author of Love the Stranger (YesYes Books), named one of the top debuts of 2015 by Poets & Writers. He has received fellowships or support from Kundiman, Civitella Ranieri, Vermont Studio Center, Saltonstall Arts Colony, and the Key West Literary Seminar, where Billy Collins selected him for the 2015 Scotti Merrill Memorial Award. Poems have appeared in Boston ReviewDenver QuarterlyNarrativeThe OffingPrelude, the PEN Poetry Series, Poem-a-Day, and elsewhere. His journalism and essays have been published in SlateThe New Republic, and The Guardian, among others. He teaches at Columbia University and lives in Brooklyn.

The Rest of the Body by Jay Deshpande (Digital)

SKU: 0300025
  • Untether

    When I lose you, there will be a great earthly sound

    risen from the lake, and I will look at the lake,

    its quiet ducks, its skittered, bathing trees,

    its last light slipping from the water-map—and know

    this sound comes not from it, but me.

  • About The Rest of the Body

    In the chambers of the love poem, desire hungers endlessly. And so the poems in The Rest of the Body make a new purpose of that passion, turning eros into a vehicle to explore community, friendship, and the intimate mysteries that exist between and within us. Drawing together poems from Love the Stranger and a host of new pieces, this chapbook offers a meditation on the curious rooms of the heart and the body’s tireless calls—to be seen, to be held, and to be heeded.

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